We shine a light on social change

Finding and supporting social impact leaders dedicated to addressing the basic needs of the most vulnerable communities.


Local Actions, Global Impact

Every monumental change begins with a modest idea, evolves through humble actions, and ultimately transcends borders to propel communities forward. We stand committed to the profound impact of these small steps.


Social Changemakers Supported


Micro-Grants Distributed


Countries Reached

Meet Our Little Big Believers

Many visionaries, despite their impactful ideas, encounter barriers due to limited resources like knowledge, funding, mentorship, and connections. Together, we strive to ensure they seize opportunities for meaningful social change. Across the globe, we support proximate leaders through training, micro-grants, and mentorship.

Pentium Health Care

Mission: To save lives through advanced patient management in Yumbe.

Nguvu Ya Africa

Mission: to provide life skills, mental health support, and menstrual health education to inspire inner awareness, healing, and orientation towards a productive for girls and women.

Blue Bird Soccer Academy

Mission: To provide quality education and develop individual talents for youth in Kyangwali refugee settlement.

Our Team

Driven by a passion to bridge the gap in philanthropy

Little Big Fund emerged from the collaboration of a funder and two social entrepreneurs, recognizing mutual learning opportunities. Together, they crafted a program to equip early-stage changemakers with fundraising skills, mentorship, and micro-grants.



Fundraising & Proposal Writing



Little Big Partners